Tuesday, November 5, 2013

tomato sauce, with added goodness

One staple that everyone has in their pantry is pasta and tomato sauce.

In an effort to "beef" up my tomato sauce, without adding any meat, I added nuts and seeds.  Folks, the results were great!  My first try at this was to simply chop the nuts, but my husband didn't care for the crunch it gave.

Here are the ingredients:
- walnuts (about 1/3 cup)
- flax seed (about 2 tablespoons)
- sesame seeds (about 2 tablespoons)
- jar of tomato sauce
- pasta (in this case I served Halloween shaped pasta, courtesy of Aldi)

Step 1: prepare pasta according to package

Step 2: add walnuts, flax seed, and sesame seeds into blender

Step 3: remind my husband that I need a better blender for Christmas!  
Step 4: mix until the ingredients turn into tiny crumbles, nearly a paste.

Step 5: add mixture to jar of tomato sauce.  Heat thoroughly. 

Step 6: serve over pasta.  Enjoy!


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