Sunday, June 24, 2012

Barley with bell peppers and zucchini

** Barley takes about 50 minutes to prepare.  In order for this to be a quick meal, make the barley one day ahead of time. The package says that cooked barley is good for a week in the fridge. 

- To make the barley, I boiled 2 1/3 cups of water, and then I added 3/4 cup barley.  I reduced heat and simmer for about 50 minutes.  After which I kept on the stove to cool down a bit.  When cooled I put the whole pot in the fridge. 

The next day, I diced and sauteed one onion, one red pepper, one yellow pepper and one zucchini. 

Meanwhile, I put the barley pot on the stove to heat up.  Once the veggies were good, I added them to the barley.  I added a bit of salt and chicken bouillon. 

That is it.  The dish is surprisingly creamy, and the kids liked it.  Simple, fast, and nutritious. The dish really took just minutes to prepare. 

Here are some interesting facts about the foods in this recipe:
- barley: it has crazy amount of fiber in it! It is also very gentle on the tummy. 
- bell peppers: did you know that a bell pepper has twice the amount of Vitamin C as an orange!


  1. Wow! This is great that you started this new blog Joanna. I will fwd it immediately to my wife. We will definitely try some of these recipes when I return home. Or is my wife to try them when I'm away?

    Ryan (

  2. Great idea for a blog!! Now, what we pilots need is a blog about healthy eating on the road, LOL!


    1. Thanks! Eating healthy on the road can happen...with effort.

  3. Great idea for a blog! For some reason blogger won't let me "follow" this one though. I'll have to try this recipe but with a veggie cube instead. I looooove zucchini. :)

    1. The barley is surprisingly creamy. Shocked the hell out of me. I just knew barley in soup. It pairs nicely with zucchini.

  4. I just made this. It was so yummy
